CFP: Dimensions of dispossession: Spatialities, temporalities, and (im)materialities
2018 American Association of Geographers Annual Conference, New Orleans Louisiana
Session Co-organizers
Joel E. Correia, University of Arizona Center for Latin American Studies
Max Counter, University of Colorado at Boulder Department of Geography
To be confirmed
Cultural and Political Ecology, Political Geography, Cultural Geography Specialty Groups
Dimensions of dispossession: Spatialities, temporalities, and (im)materialities
Dispossession is a central concept in the critical human geography lexicon with expansive use across various subfields that could almost certainly qualify it as one of Raymond Williams’ famed “keywords” (Williams 1976). The literature on dispossession and its relation to capital accumulation bears witness to its enduring theoretical and empirical significance (See, for example, Marx 1976 [1867]; Harvey 2003; Glassman 2006; Hart 2006; Li 2010a; 2010b; Ballvé 2012; Chakravartty and Fernando da Silva 2012; Perreault 2012; Levien 2015; inter alia). Post-colonial, feminist, and critical social theorists have provided further perspectives that center on the affective aspects of dispossession as a more-than-material process (See, for example, Fanon 1952; Agamben 2005; Casolo and Doshi 2013; Coulthard 2014; Bhandar and Toscano 2016). Building from recent scholarship (Butler and Anthanisou 2013; Gordillo 2014; Fernandez 2017; Counter 2017; Bryan 2017), this session invites papers that explore the multiplicity of dispossession, taking as its point of departure that dispossession is a spatial process shaped by capital accumulation, but also more-than-material, affective, and temporal. In sum, we are interested in work, that through both empirical rigor and theoretical sensitivity, explores the very idea of “dispossession” and how it is manifest through an array of different dimensions.
Relevant questions include, but are not limited to, the following:
- How are multiple facets of the concept dispossession effective for understanding current processes of dispossession as a lived experience?
- What are the limits to the various ways the term “dispossession” is understood and utilized in contemporary critical geographic scholarship? In what ways can those limits be overcome?
- What new aspects might the term further encapsulate?
- How is dispossession manifest vis-a-vis temporal, spatial, and (im)material geographies?
- And, importantly, how might geographers develop a sensitivity to illuminating these multiple dimensions of dispossession in their empirical work?
If interested, please email you 250 word abstract to Joel Correia ( or Max Counter ( by October 9th. We will notify selected participants by October 15th 2017.
Agamben, G. 2005. State of exception. Atell, K. trans. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bryan, J. 2017. Oil, indigeneity, and dispossession. In Other geographies: The influences of Michael Watts. Chari, S. Freidberg, S., Gidwani, V., Ribot, J., and Wolford, W. eds. p. 157-168. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
Ballvé, T. 2012.. Everyday state formation: Territory, decentralization, and the narco landgrab in Colombia. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 30(4), 603-622.
Bhandar, B. and Toscano, A. 2016. Representing Palestinian dispossession: Land, property, and photography in the settler colony. Settler Colonial Studies, 7(1): 1-18.
Butler, J. and Athanisou, A. 2013. Dispossession: The performative in the political. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Casolo, J. and Doshi, S. 2013. Domesticated dispossessions? Towards a transnational feminist geopolitics of development. Geopolitics, 18(4): 800-834.
Coulthard, G.S. 2014. Red skins, white masks: Rejecting the colonial politics of recognition. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Counter, M. 2017. ‘La doble condición’: landmine victims, forced displacement, and disability in Colombia’s Magdalena Medio. Social & Cultural Geography, 1-25.DOI:10.1080/14649365.
Chakravartty, P. and Fernando da Silva, D. 2012. Accumulation, dispossession, and debt: The racial logic of global capitalism-an introduction. American Quarterly, 64(3): 361-385.
Fanon, F. 1965. Black skins, white masks. New York: Grove Press.
Fernandez, B. 2017. Dispossession and the depletion of social reproduction. Antipode, DOI: 10.1111/anti.1235.
Glassman, J. 2006. Primitive accumulation, accumulation by dispossession, and accumulation by ‘extra-economic’ means. Progress in Human Geography, 30(5): 608-625.
Gordillo, G. 2014 Rubble: The afterlife of destruction. Durham: Duke University Press
Hart, G. 2006. Denaturalizing dispossession: Critical ethnography in the age of resurgent imperialism. Antipode, 38(5): 977-1004.
Harvey, D. 2003. The new imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Levien, Michael. 2015. “From Primitive Accumulation to Regimes of Dispossession: Theses on India’s Land Question.” Economic and Political Weekly 50(22): 146-157
Li, T.M. 2010a. Indigeneity, capitalism, and the management of dispossession. Current Anthropology, 51(3): 385-414.
______. 2010b. To make live or let die? Rural dispossession and the protection of surplus populations. Antipode, 41(s1): 66-93.
Marx, K. 1976 [1867]. Capital: A critique of political economy volume one. Fowkes, B. trans. London: Penguin Books.
Perreault, T. 2012. Dispossession by accumulation? Mining, water, and the nature of enclosure on the Bolivian Altiplano. Antipode, 45(5): 1050-1069.
Williams, R. (1976). Keywords: a vocabulary of society and culture. Fontana/Croom Helm, London.