Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Tourism, Digital Technologies and Inequality with Tourism Geographies:

Tourism is undergoing major changes in the advent of social media networks and other forms of digital technology. This has affected a number of tourism related processes including marketing, destination making, travel experiences and visitor feedback but also various tourism subsectors, like hospitality, transportation and tour operators. An already substantial and growing body of research has investigated these  developments, both regarding tourism processes (Munar 2011, Tham et. al. 2013, Mkono & Tribe, 2017) and industry subsectors (Leung et al. 2013, Germann Molz 2012, Gretzel & Fesenmaier 2009, Hvass & Munar, 2012). However, largely overlooked are the effects of these changes on questions concerning inequality. Therefore, the aim of this SI is to chart this relatively unexplored territory concerning the influence of technologically enhanced travel and tourism on development and inequality.

Please see the full CfP and contact information here

Abstracts proposals of 400-600 words containing (1) full author/s details (affiliation + email address), (2) five-six keywords and (3) around six guiding theoretical references are required on 10 October 2019
Please also submit a short biographical note (incl. academic background and publications)

We look forward to your proposals.

Best wishes

Fabian Frenzel, Thomas Frisch and Julia Giddy