CFP Extraterritoriality

Deadline: May 12, 2019


Zachary T. Androus, Florence Ethnographic Field School (

Magdalena Stawkowski, University of South Carolina (

Robert Kopack, University of Toronto (

We are developing a proposal for a special issue of the journal Antipode, that seeks to expand the concept of extraterritoriality beyond its traditional juridico-legal domain. Our goal is to account for the ways in which special territorial designations present both conceptual and practical exceptions to the normative standards of state sovereignty. To this end, we invite abstracts of 150 words to be included in the special issue proposal. Full length manuscripts will be requested only in the case that the special issue proposal is accepted, and manuscripts will be subject to the journal’s formal peer-review process prior to publication. Abstracts must include a strong theoretical engagement with the theme of extraterritoriality, and will preferably be based on original research.

Traditionally, extraterritoriality refers either to the status of being exempt from the laws of the territory in which one is physically present, as in the cases of certain military or diplomatic installations and personnel, or to a government extending the reach of its laws beyond its own borders, as in the cases of cybercrime, terrorism, and drug trafficking (Colangelo 2013; Gann 1987). This is consistent with the premise that territorially based sovereign states are the basic, fundamental units of the international political world system. They clearly represent powerful, even dominant, forces in global institutions of governance, but the world is also replete with cases that defy the presumed logic of territorial state sovereignty. We seek to expand the traditional concept of extraterritoriality to address the range of special territorial designations that present exceptions to the idealized form of territorial sovereignty. These exceptional forms of political, legal, and existential status frequently index colonial, postcolonial, and neocolonial relations, in addition to military, economic, and geopolitical interests (Agamben 1998; Brown 2018; Ferguson 1994; Fessel 2012; Hecht 2011; Kopack 2019; Painter 2010; Vogel and Raeymaekers 2016; Watts and Peluso 2001). How can the conventional understanding of extraterritoriality be expanded to account for the range of protectorates, realms, dominions, and overseas territories; self-governing autonomies, reservations, reserves, and lands held in trust; free-trade zones, export processing zones, and exclusive economic zones; parks, monuments, memorials, and heritage sites; military installations, no-fly zones, and occupied or otherwise contested areas?

Antipode seeks “innovative papers that push at the boundaries of radical geographical thinking [and are] rigorous and substantive in theoretical and empirical terms. Authors are encouraged to critique and challenge settled orthodoxies, while engaging the context of intellectual traditions and their particular trajectories. Papers should put new research or critical analyses to work to contribute to strengthening a Left politics broadly defined.”  Proposals addressing any region of the world as well as innovative perspectives that highlight the complex intersections of state and non-state actors with multiple peoples, places, and polities, are welcome. Submissions from members of historically excluded or underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.

Please submit an abstract of 150 words by Sunday 12 May 2019 by email to Abstracts will be reviewed by the proposal editors and notifications will be sent by Monday 20 May 2019. A decision from Antipode is expected by July 2019. Acceptance of the abstract into the special issue proposal does not guarantee eventual acceptance by Antipode. Potential authors are encouraged to familiarize themselves with information about the journal available here: Please contact Zachary Androus at with any questions.


Agamben G (1998 [1995]) Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life (trans D Heller-Roazen). Stanford: Stanford University Press

Brown M (2018) The $15 Wage Movement Moves South: Politics of Region in Labor Union Campaigns. Antipode 50(4):846 863

Colangelo A (2013) What is Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. Cornell Law Review 99(6):1303 1352

Ferguson J (1990) The Anti Politics Machine: Development, Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press

Fessel M (2012) The Extraterritoriality Nexus: Manifestation of Extraterritoriality as Natural Phenomenon in Urban Context. Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development 9(1):123 131

Gann P (1987) Foreward: Issues in Extraterritoriality. Law and Contemporary Problems 50(3):1 10

Hecht G (2011) Entangled Geographies: Empire and Technopolitics in the Global Cold War. Cambridge: The MIT Press

Kopack R (2019) Rocket Wastelands in Kazakhstan: Scientific Authoritarianism and the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 109(2):556-567

Painter J (2010) Rethinking Territory. Antipode 42(5):1090 1118

Peluso N and Watts M (2001) Violent Environments. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Vogel C and Raymaekers T (2016) Terr(it)or(ies) of Peace? The Congolese Mining Frontier and the Fight Against “Conflict Minerals.” Antipode 48(4):1102 1121