2nd session on Ethnonationalism w/ Eurasian and European Specialty Groups

Deadline: November 13, 2019

We’ve got openings for presenters interested in joining a *second* panel on ethnonationalism.

Two sessions are open, following the same CfPs as before – one focusing on Eurasia (broadly conceived); one focusing on Europe, the European Union, and the EEA. We thank our co-sponsors and supporters (Political Geography, Legal Geography, Cultural Geography, and others) for their sustained interest and assistance in getting out the word on one of AAG 2020’s featured themes.

We are looking for a wide range of contributions which deal with the empirical, theoretical, and methodological constructs of (ethno)nationalism, generally focusing on:

  • material and representational manifestations of ethnonationalism(s);
  • economic, demographic, and in/exclusionary structures and agencies;
  • memory, history, and imaginaries;
  • transnational, diasporic, and mobility geographies;
  • embodied nationalisms and identity;
  • urban, regional, national, supranational scales;
  • resource nationalisms;
  • power and resistance;
  • borders, territory, and so forth

As with the first sessions, this is envisioned as a paper session, however, given the interdisciplinary framework of this CfP and the broad geographies under consideration, a discussant may be included; we aim to be as flexible as possible.

For European Specialty Group inquiries, please send your title, abstract, and PIN to co-organizers Mathias Le Bossé (lebosse@kutztown.edu) and James E. Baker (james.eugene.baker@huskers.unl.edu) by November 13th if you would like to be included.

For Eurasian Specialty Group inquiries, please send title, abstract, and PIN to James E. Baker (james.eugene.baker@huskers.unl.edu).