PGSG Statement of Solidarity Against Anti-Black Racism and Police Violence

The following is a statement from the Board of the Political Geography Specialty Group on the anti-racism protests taking place across the US and the world:

Like many throughout the world, we are appalled and saddened by the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless other Black Americans. Their deaths reflect the persistence of anti-Black racism and white supremacy that dehumanizes people of color. The Board of the Political Geography Specialty Group condemns anti-Black racism and police violence in all its forms, in the US and elsewhere. We support the AAG’s recent statement and encourage efforts to use the critical and applied skills of political geographers to fight against systemic racial violence and inequality, and to enact systemic change. We affirm our commitment to resist and confront the devaluation and trivialization of Black lives, and stand in solidarity with Black Geographers and those fighting for racial justice and social change.

The Board of the Political Geography Specialty Group of the AAG