2021 Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group Graduate Student Paper Competition

2021 Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group Graduate Student Paper Competition: 
Submission Deadline: March 8th, 2021

The Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group (IPSG) invites submissions for its annual Graduate Student Paper Competition in conjunction with the 2021 AAG general meeting, April 7-11, in Seattle, Washington (virtual meeting). We invite graduate student papers addressing Indigenous critical cartography, geographic research, education, methodologies, and/or theory. Special consideration will be given to papers that:

  • Foster geographic research and education that involves the Indigenous peoples of the world, past and present
  • Prioritize Indigenous people(s)’ perspectives, voices, and epistemologies
  • Encourage approaches to research and teaching that support Indigenous goals of self-determination
  • Help build relationships of mutual trust between Indigenous communities and academic geographers
  • Contribute to decolonizing the discipline and practice of Geography
  • The award for the top student paper includes a cash award of US $150.00 and a one-year honorary student membership in the IPSG. Eligible papers for this competition must conform to the following guidelines:

Paper Requirements:

  • The paper must be a written manuscript. Manuscripts sole-authored by a graduate student are preferred; however, manuscripts co-authored in collaboration with a person/people at the community- scale will also be considered. Papers co-authored with a faculty member will not be considered.
  • The paper needs to be presented at either the AAG annual meeting in Denver, any regional geography meeting, or another professional conference.
  • Papers should be no longer than 3,000 words in length (the length limitations may mean that the applicant is submitting the “presentation” version, rather than the “publication” version of the paper).
  • Papers should be in English, with translation provided for any quotes or sections in a language other than English.
  • Papers will be evaluated by IPSG board members. The board reserves the right not to award a prize if submissions are not of sufficient quality.

Interested students should submit a copy of their conference paper electronically to IPSG Secretary, Kate Schlott, at kschlott@gradcenter.cuny.edu. Please put “IPSG Student Paper Submission” in the subject line. Any questions about the competition can also be directed to Kate.