Call for submissions for AAG Latin America Specialty Group Awards

The Latin America Specialty Group of the AAG invites submissions for two 2021 awards:

  • LASG Best Student Paper Award
  • LASG Student Field Study Award (Note: This award is intended to defray preliminary research expenses for theses and dissertations focused on/in Latin America. Due to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, there is greater flexibility in research expenses that will be considered for funding this year. Support for tele-interviews, local archival work, other exploratory data acquisition, for example, is eligible. Expenses such as childcare while conducting research are also considered valid)

Please find the award descriptions and instructions in the attached documentsAll submissions should be sent via email to Dr. Audrey Joslin (ajoslin@ksu.eduno later than February 26, 2021. 

Further information about LASG can be found:   This site also has the info about the Awards under the ‘Student Awards’ tab

Faculty members: If you’re willing and able to serve on either of the ad-hoc committees to evaluate proposals, please also let Dr. Andrea Marston ( and Dr. Audrey Joslin ( know via email.