PGSG Student Awards due January 31, 2021

The deadline for the Political Geography Specialty Group’s 2021 Student Awards is January 31, 2021. Please consider applying. Please note that we have suspended our student travel awards for this year, though we hope to resume them next year.

1. Alexander B. Murphy Dissertation Enhancement Award: this $1000 award is granted to support dissertation field research of PGSG student members. Up to two awards may be awarded annually. Guidelines | click here

2. Political Geography Graduate Student Paper Awards: this $250 award will go to the best paper on a political geography topic written by MA and PhD students (judged in separate divisions), who are PGSG members. Guidelines | click here

3. Political Geography Undergraduate Student Paper Award: this $100 award will go to the best paper on a political geography topic written by an undergraduate student, regardless of membership in the AAG or participation at the Annual Meetings. Guidelines | click here