The 2023-24 workshop series is complete. We plan to hold future workshops on an every-other-year basis, with the next workshop in 2025-26.
Thank you to our fantastic mentors this year: Nick Crane, Kara Dempsey, Kevin Grove, Ted Holland, Galen Murton, Caroline Nagel, Tom Narins, Lindsay Naylor, Richard Nisa, and Emma Norman. We’re grateful for your time, engagement, and generosity.
CFP: Are you a graduate student or early career political geographer? Are you working on an article for publication? Would you like to strengthen your writing prior to submission and build community with fellow political geographers?
Please join the Political Geography Specialty Group’s inaugural early career article workshop series in late January 2024 to workshop your paper! In these small-group virtual settings, you will share your work with peers and a political geography mentor with expertise in your research area. Mentors and small group members will provide tailored feedback and support towards your publication goals–and you, in turn, will provide feedback and support for your peers.
Participation is particularly encouraged for political geographers unable to attend the American Association of Geographers’ Annual Meeting in 2024.
Workshop Format and Expectations:
Workshops will be organized thematically. Each workshop will involve brief formal presentations of pre-circulated papers by authors (you may list this as a presentation on your CVs!) followed by tailored comments and feedback by one mentor and other early career scholars. All workshop participants will be expected to read the papers of all members of their group in advance and to provide comments on each paper. We aim to keep each workshop relatively small (2-4 early career participants plus one mentor).
Submitted papers must be articles for peer-reviewed publications, maximum 10,000 words (no dissertation chapters).
Application Guidelines:
Prior to 1 October 2023, applicants are asked to submit the following information via this form:
1) a paper title,
2) a brief (250 word) abstract, and
3) commitments to a) submit a full draft of their paper by 15 December 2023 and b) participate in a 2-hour virtual workshop between 22-26 January 2024.
Applicants will be notified about their application status by 20 October 2023.
- 1 October 2023 – Applications due
- 20 October 2023 – Applicants notified
- 15 December 2023 – Papers due
- 22-26 January 2024 – Article workshop (exact date and time to be determined by each group)
Email PGSG President Meredith DeBoom ( or Vice President Kate Coddington ( individually or at